Flu Vaccinations
High rates of absenteeism and lower rates of productivity that are attributed to Influenza (known as flu) can have an effect on your organisation and workers’ health. Implementing a corporate flu vaccination can protect your workplace health and safety. It is one of the easiest and cost effective programs to incorporate into your business. The business can benefit on the long-term positive effects associated with employee health costs.
At EMedHx, we provide you with highly experienced medical vaccination team to cater to your organisations’ need.
Flu vaccination program includes:
- Specialist immunisations nurses
Online/phone/email enquiries
Consent forms
There are two ways to deliver the vaccinations
- Onsite: we send a specialised vaccination team to your workplace at a time and date convenient to you
- In-Clinic: Book with our corporate team
Please Note: EMedHx can offer competitive rates and discounted pricing depending on the number of vaccinations purchased.
More Information:
What is immunisation? (https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/immunisation/about-immunisation/what-is-immunisation)
How does immunisation work? (https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/immunisation/about-immunisation/how-does-immunisation-work)
National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (https://www.ncirs.org.au/)